Journal articles | ||
Baldi, M., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Melz, R. 2024. Actor-agency and institutional complexity: TNCs strategies to combat the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in Brazil. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 20(2): 164-184. Brown, J. E., de Bakker, F. G. A., Bapuji, H., Higgins, C., Rehbein, K., & Spicer, A. 2022. Building on its past: The future of Business and Society scholarship. Business & Society, 61(5): 967-979. van Hille, I, de Bakker, F.G.A., Groenewegen, P., & Ferguson, J. 2021. Strategizing nature in cross-sector partnerships: Can plantation revitalization enable living wages? Organization & Environment, 34(2): 175-197. Graafland, J. & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2021. Crowding in or crowding out? How non-governmental organizations and media influence intrinsic motivations towards corporate social and environmental responsibility. Journal of Environmental Policy and Management, 64(13): 2386-2409. de Bakker, F.G.A., Matten, D., Spence, L., & Wickert, C. 2020. The elephant in the room: The nascent research agenda on corporations, capitalism and society. Business & Society, 59(7): 1295-1302. Rehbein, K., Leonel, R., den Hond, F., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2020. How do firms that are changinge the world engage politically? Rutgers Business Review, 5(2): 203-225. Bapuji, H., de Bakker, F.G.A., Brown, J.E., Higgins, C., Rehbein, K.A., & Spicer, A. 2020. Business and society research in times of the Corona virus. Business & Society, 59(6): 1067-1078. van Hille, I, de Bakker, F.G.A., Ferguson, J., & Groenewegen, J. 2020. Cross-sector partnerships for sustainability: How ‘mission-driven conveners’ drive change in national coffee platforms. Sustainability, 12(7): 2846. Bapuji, H., Brown, J.E., de Bakker, F.G.A., Higgins, C., Rehbein, K.A., & Spicer, A. 2020. Something old, something new: Continuity and change at Business & Society. Business & Society, 59(5): 791-798. Barberá-Tomás, D., Castelló, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Zietsma, C. 2019. Energizing enactment: How social entrepreneurs use emotion-symbolic work for social change. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6): 1789-1817 [Finalist Responsible Research in Management Award 2021]. Whelan, G., de Bakker, F.G.A., den Hond, F., & Muthuri, J. 2019. Talking the walk: The deflation response to legitimacy challenges. M@n@gement, 22(4): 633-663. Kok, A.M., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Groenewegen, P. 2019. Sustainability struggles: Conflicting cultures and incompatible logics. Business & Society 58(8): 1496-1532. Crane, A., de Bakker, F.G.A., Henriques, I., & Husted, B. 2019. Taking stock at Business & Society: Reflections on our tenure as co-editors, 2015-2019. Business & Society, 58(8): 1483-1495. de Bakker, F.G.A., Rasche, A., & Ponte, S. 2019. Multi-stakeholder initiatives on sustainability: A cross-disciplinary review and research agenda for business ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly, 29(3): 343-383. de Bakker, F.G.A., Crane, A., Henriques, I., & Husted, B. 2019. Publishing interdisciplinary research in Business & Society. Business & Society, 58(3): 443-452. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., Ferguson, J.E., & Groenewegen, P. 2019. Navigating tensions in a cross-sector social partnership: how a convener drives change for sustainability. Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management 26(2): 317-329. van Wijk, J., Zietsma, C., Dorado, S., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Martí, I. 2019. Social innovation: Integrating micro, meso and macro level insights from institutional theory. Business & Society, 58(5): 887-918. de Bakker, F.G.A., Crane, A., Henriques, I., & Husted, B. 2018. What makes for an exemplary contribution? Introducing the Business & Society Best Article Award. Business & Society, 57(7): 1291-1300. Wickert, C., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2018. Pitching for social change: Towards a relational approach to selling and buying social issues. Academy of Management Discoveries 4(1): 50-73. [Finalist Social Issue in Management Division Research Award]
den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Doh, J.P. 2015. What Prompts Companies to Collaboration with NGOs? Recent Evidence from the Netherlands. Business & Society 54(2): 187-228. den Hond, F., Rehbein, K., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Kooijmans-van Lankveld, H. 2014. Playing on Two Chessboards: Reputation Effects between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Political Activity (CPA). Journal of Management Studies 51(5): 793-810. [JMS Best Paper Award 2014] de Bakker, F.G.A., & Hellsten, I. 2013. Capturing online presence: Hyperlinks and semantic networks in activist group websites on corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics 118(4): 807-823. de Bakker, F.G.A., den Hond, F., King, B. G., & Weber, K. 2013. Social Movements, Civil Society and Corporations: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead. Organization Studies 34(5/6): 573-593. Rasche, A., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Moon, J. 2013. Complete and Partial Organizing in Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics 115(4): 651-663. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2012. Exploring networks of activism on corporate social responsibility: Suggestions for a research agenda. Creativity & Innovation Management 21(2): 212-223. de Bakker, F.G.A., Hellsten, I.R., & Kok, A.M. 2011. Examining activists: Tracing networks and tactics on CSR. Notizie di Politeia: Rivista di Etica e Scelte Pubbliche XXVII(103): 66-77. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., & de Haan, P. 2010. The sequential patterning of tactics: institutional activism in the global sports apparel industry, 1988–2002. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 30(11/12): 648-665. van de Pol, P.K.C., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2010. Direct to consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals as a matter of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics 94(2): 211-224. de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2008. Activists’ influence tactics and corporate policies. Business Communication Quarterly 71(1): 107-111. de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2008. Introducing the politics of stakeholder influence: a review essay. Business & Society 47(1): 8-20. den Hond, F., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2007. Ideologically motivated activism. How activist groups influence corporate social change activities. Academy of Management Review 32(3): 901-924. Six, F.E., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Huberts, L.W.C.J. 2007. Judging a corporate leader’s integrity: A three-component approach. European Management Journal 25(3): 185-194. de Bakker, F.G.A., Groenewegen, P., & den Hond, F. 2006. A research note on the use of bibliometrics to review the Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Performance literature. Business & Society 45(1): 7-19. Meijer, M.-M., de Bakker, F.G.A., Smit, J.H., & Schuyt, Th.N.M. 2006. Corporate giving in the Netherlands 1995-2003: exploring the amounts involved and the motivations for donating. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 11(1): 13-28. de Bakker, F.G.A., Groenewegen, P., & den Hond, F. 2005. A bibliometric analysis of 30 years of research and theory on Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Performance. Business & Society 44(3): 283-317. de Bakker, F.G.A., Fisscher, O.A.M., & Brack, A.J.P. 2002. Organising product-oriented environmental management from a firm’s perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 10(5): 455-464. de Bakker, F., & Nijhof, A. 2002. Responsible chain management: a capability assessment framework. Business Strategy and the Environment 11(1): 63-75. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2001. Product-Oriented Environmental Management. Lessons from Total Quality Management. Journal of Industrial Ecology 5(2): 55-69. |
Book chapters | ||
Castillo, M., Esper, M., Birollo, G., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2024. Transition2026: Stakeholder Engagement and the Co-Construction of a Climate Strategy in a French Business School. In Starik, M. & Shrivastava, P. (Eds.). Sustainable Universities and Colleges: Leading or Following Society toward Resilience? Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar: 82-10 de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2023. NGO Activism and sustainability. In A. Rasche, M.Morsing, J. Moon & A. Kourula (eds.). Corporate Sustainability: Strategy, Communication and Governance. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Castelló, I., Barberá, D., & de Bakker, F. G. A. 2021. Images, words and emotions: Multimodality research on emotion symbolic work. In Symon, G., Pritchard, K., & Kine, C. (Eds.). Research Methods for Digitals Work and Organization: Investigating Distributed, Multi-modal and Mobile work. Oxford, UK, Oxford university Press. Chapter 12. Etchanchu, H., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Delmestri, G. 2021. Social movement organizations' agency for sustainable organizing. In S. Teerikangas, T. Onkila, K. Koistinen & M Mäkelä (Eds.). Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. London, Edward Elgar: 197-212. Rehbein, K.A., den Hond, F., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2018. Aligning adverse activities: Corporate social responsibility and political activity. In J. Weber & D. Wasieleski (eds.). Corporate Social Responsibility. Bingley, Emerald: 295-324. Hasanefendic, S., Patrício, M.T., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2017. Heterogeneous responses of Portuguese polytechnics to the new research policy demands. In R. Deem & H. Eggins (eds.). The University as a Critical Institution? Rotterdam, Sense Publishers: 133-151. de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2017. NGO Activism and CSR. In A. Rasche, M.Morsing & J. Moon (eds.). Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategy, Communication and Governance. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 220-245. de Bakker, F.G.A., den Hond, F., & Laamanen, M. 2017. Social Movements: Organizations and Organizing. In: C. Roggeband & B. Klandermans (eds.). Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines. 2nd Edition. Cham, Springer: 203-231. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2016. Activist campaigns. In: Carroll, C.E. (ed.). Sage Encyclopaedia of Corporate Reputation. Thousand Oaks, Sage: 12-14. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2015. Activism, institutional change and social media. In J. Uldam, & A. Vestergaard (eds.). Civic Engagement and Social Media: Political Participation Beyond the Protest. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan: 23-43. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., & N. Smith. 2015. Social movements and organizational analysis. In M. Diani, & D. della Porta (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. Oxford, Oxford University Press. den Hond, F., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2012. Boomerang politics: how transnational stakeholders impact multinational corporations in the context of globalization. In: Lindgreen, A., P. Kotler, J. Vanhamme & F. Maon (eds.). A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: Pressures, Conflicts, Reconciliation. Aldershot, Gower: 275-292. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2011. Equator principles. In: Cohen, N. & D. Philipsen (eds.). Green business: An A-Z guide. Thousand Oaks, Sage: 243-245. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2011. Legitimacy as bargain money. In: Dubbink, W., H. van Luijk & L. van Liedekerke (eds.), European Business Ethics Cases in Context: The Morality of Corporate Decision Making. Dordrecht, Springer: 103-110. de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2011. A disputed contract: IHC Caland in Burma. In: Dubbink, W., H. van Luijk & L. van Liedekerke (eds.), European Business Ethics Casebook. Dordrecht, Springer: 77-98.
de Bakker, F.G.A. 2010. Equator Principles. In Cohen, N. & D.P. Philipsen (eds.), Green Business: An A-to-Z-Guide. Sage – e-book ( Horstman, N.A.M., de Bakker, F.G.A., Masurel, E., & van Hemert, P.P. 2008. Monkey see, monkey do. Some observations on sustainable innovations in zoos. In: Wankel, C. & J.A.F. Stoner (eds.). Innovative Approaches to Global Sustainability. New York, Palgrave MacMillan: 105-122. de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2007. Activist tactics to influence companies. In: Wankel, C. (ed.), 21st Century Management. A Reference Handbook. Thousand Oaks, Sage: 927-937. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Neergaard, P. 2007. Introduction. Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing and Measuring. In den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A. & P. Neergaard (eds.), Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing, Measuring. Aldershot, UK, Ashgate: 1-12. de Bakker, F.G.A., Ohlsson, C. ,den Hond, F., Tengblad, S., & Turcotte, M.F. 2007. Tracing the evolution of corporate discourse on corporate social responsibility: a longitudinal, lexicological study. In den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A. & P. Neergaard (eds.), Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing, Measuring. Aldershot, UK, Ashgate: 53-73. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., Neergaard, P., & Gond, J.-P. 2007. Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: from conceptual harmony to practical dissonance. In den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A. & P. Neergaard (eds.), Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in action: Talking, Doing, Measuring. Aldershot, Ashgate: 205-225. van Wijk, J., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2006. Engaging tour operators in sustainable tourism: a Dutch professional association’s approach. In: C.A. Brebbia & F.D. Pineda (eds.), Sustainable Tourism II. Southampton, WIT Press: 37-46. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2006. Legitimiteit als moreel wisselgeld. In: W. Dubbink & H. van Luijk (eds.), Bedrijfsgevallen. Morele beslissingen van ondernemingen. Assen, van Gorcum: 120-125. de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2006. Een omstreden contract: IHC Caland in Burma. In: W. Dubbink & H. van Luijk (eds.), Bedrijfsgevallen. Morele beslissingen van ondernemingen. Assen, van Gorcum: 133-148. van Wijk, J.J., de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2006. From designation to theorization: the case of the Dutch Association of Tour Operators promoting sustainable tourism. In: A. Beverungen, N. Ellis, T. Keenoy, C. Oswick, I. Sabelis & S. Ybema (eds.), Organizational Discourse: Identity, Ideology and Idiosyncrasy. Leicester, KMCP: 329-331. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2004. Contributions of product-oriented environmental management to corporate sustainability. In: Sharma, S. & M. Starik (eds.), Stakeholders, the Environment and Society. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar: 212-229. de Bakker, F., Burger, S. & Schuyt, T. 2002. De invulling van burgerschap door bedrijven. In: Hortulanus, R.P. & J.E.M. Machielse (eds.), Modern burgerschap. ‘s-Gravenhage, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie: 107-118. de Bakker, F., & Foley, D. 2002. Product-oriented environmental management. The case of Xerox Europe. In: Park, J. & N.J. Roome (eds.), The Ecology of the New Economy. Sheffield, Greenleaf Publishing: 165-172. |
Edited volume den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A. & P. Neergaard (Eds.). 2007. Managing corporate social responsibility in action: Talking, doing, measuring. Aldershot, Ashgate.
PhD thesis de Bakker, F.G.A. 2001. Product-oriented environmental management. A study of capability-building, stakeholder orientation and continuous improvement regarding products’ environmental characteristics in firms. Enschede, Twente University Press.
Reports and working papers de Bakker, F.G.A. & Hellsten, I.R. 2011. The project and the network – an evaluation report. SOMO, Amsterdam. den Hond, F.& de Bakker, F.G.A. 2004. Influencing corporate social change activities: exploring social movement organizations’ tactics in an institutional context. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Working paper 04/05. Frambach, R.T., Th.N.M. Schuyt, P.T.M. Ingenbleek, F. de Bakker & L. Belhaj. 2003. Over mogelijkheden van structurele steun en sponsoring door bedrijven van de Nierstichting. Eindrapport ten behoeve van de Nierstichting. Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, Werkgroep Filantropie. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2001. Product-oriented environmental management: a step in the chain. In: A. von Raesfeld, F. de Bakker & A. Groen. Eco-efficiency in industrial production. Bilthoven, Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change, report no. 410 200 072: 31-50. von Raesfeld, A., de Bakker, F. & Groen, A. 2001. Eco-efficiency in industrial production. Bilthoven, Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change, report no. 410 200 072.
de Bakker, F.G.A., Fisscher, O.A.M. & Brack, A.J.P. 1999. Organizing product-oriented environmental management from a resource-based perspective. Enschede, Faculty of Technology & Management. Research Report 99W-005/BR-002. de Bakker, F.G.A., Brack, A.J.P. & Fisscher, O.A.M. 1999. Quality, resources and stakeholders as elements of a product-oriented environmental management. Enschede, Faculty of Technology & Management. Research Report 99W-004/BR-001. de Bakker, F.G.A. 1998. Greening products – on interests and integration. Enschede, CSTM. CSTM Report 107. de Bakker, F.G.A. 1995. Besluitvorming omtrent exploratieboringen in de Waddenzee. Wageningen, LU Wageningen, Vakgroep Waterkwaliteitsbeheer en Aquatische Oecologie. Verslag 002/95. |
Special issues (guest editor) 2020: Business & Society; Capitalism, corporations and society (with Dirk Matten, Laura Spence and Christopher Wickert) 2019: Business & Society – Social Innovation: Insights from Institutional Theory (with Silvia Dorado, Ignasi Marti, Jakomijn van Wijk and Charlene Zietsma) 2013: Journal of Business Ethics - Organizing Corporate Social Responsibility: Interactions between business and society (with Jeremy Moon and Andreas Rasche) |
2013: Organization Studies – Social Movements, Corporations and Civil Society (with Frank den Hond, Brayden King and Klaus Weber) 2008: Business & Society – The Politics of Stakeholder Influence (with Frank den Hond) |
Book reviews de Bakker, F.G.A. 2019. Book review of 'Profits and sustainability. A history of green entrepreneurship' by G. Jones. Organization Studies 40: 1431-1434. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2012. Book review of ‘Voluntary programs. A club theory perspective’ edited by M. Potoski & A. Prakash. Organization & Environment 25: 95-98. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2009. Book review of ‘Corporate Culture and Environmental Practice’ by J. Howard-Grenville. Organization & Environment 22: 257-260. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2007. Book review of ‘Capitalism at the Crossroads’ by S. Hart. Organization & Environment 20: 268-272.
de Bakker, F.G.A. 2004. Book review of ‘Research in Corporate Social Responsibility’ edited by S. Sharma & M. Starik. Organization & Environment 17: 278-281. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2002. Book review of ‘Greening the firm’ by A. Prakash. Organization & Environment 15: 349-352. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2001. Boekbespreking ‘The greening of business’ by A. Mauser. Milieu 16: 262-263. |
Professional journals de Bakker, F.G.A.2023. Un ruolo in evoluzione: Il manager della sostenibilita. International Corporate Communications Hub. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2012. Maatschappelijk ondernemen: met en zonder de overheid. Res Publica, 54(4): 515-517. de Bakker, F. & C. Moser. 2012. Samenwerking als weg uit de crisis? Essay 18(3): 6-7. de Gilder, D., Schuyt, Th. & de Bakker, F. 2009. Wat bedrijven doen aan MVO. ESB 94(4562): 375-377. |
de Bakker, F. 2001. Productgerichte milieuzorg: een nieuwe vorm van milieumanagement. BK Trends 14(5): 17-20. de Bakker, F. 2000. Productgerichte milieuzorg: een volgende stap in de keten. Process Control 9(3): 18-22. |
Conference papers ... Esper, S., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Heuvinck, N. 2020. Dealing with decoupling: CSR managers' motivations. Paper presented at the 78th Academy of Management Conference, August 7-11 Marino, M., Parrotta, P., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2020. Entrepreneurship as emancipation: Organizing to counter the mafia. Paper presented at the 36th EGOS Colloquium, July 2-4. de Bakker, F.G.A., Rasche, A., & Ponte, S. 2019. Multi-stakeholder initiatives on sustainability: A cross-disciplinary review and research agenda for business ethics. Paper presented at the 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edingburgh, UK, July 3-5. van Hille, I., Groenewegen, P., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2018. Convening for Better Crops and Better Lives: Organizing a Living Wage. Paper presented at the 77th Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, USA, 9-13 August. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Groenewegen, P. 2018. Troubled over tea: partnering towards a living wage in the tea industry. Paper presented at the 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia, 4-7 July. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Groenewegen, P. 2018. Crossing borders in coffee: Addressing the tension of uniformity versus plurality in collaborative sustainability strategies. Paper presented at the 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia, 4-7 July. Delalieux, G., Kourula, A., & de Bakker, F. 2018. The Modern Pharmakon: NGOs as vehicles of corporate social change? Paper presented at the 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia, 4-7 July. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., Groenewegen, P. 2018. Troubled over tea: partnering towards a living wage in the tea industry. Paper presented at the CCSI 2018 Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11-12 June. van Hille, I, de Bakker, F.G.A., Ferguson, J.E., & Groenewegen, P. 2018. Paradox in a partnership: How a convener drives change for sustainability. Paper presented at the 5th Annual University of Edinburgh Business School Paper Development Workshop, Edinburgh, UK, 5 March. Maon, F., Gond, J.-P., Janssen, C., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2017. Stakeholder influence tactics: ideologically loaded objectives and power based moves. Paper presented at the 76th Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, USA. Barberá, D., Castelló, I., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2017. Structuring through dissent: Field emergence and the strategic role of organizational agency. Paper presented at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-8 July. Passenier, D., Wolbers, J., & de Bakker, F. 2017. Deviant pilots: why we need them. Paper presented at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-8 July. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., Ferguson, J.E. 2017. Storm in a teacup: Uunraveling the process of collective brokerage on living wage in the tea industry. Paper presented at the European Theory Development Workshop, Zürich, Switzerland, 29-30 June. Lelieveldt, H. & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2017. It’s only natural: Exploring the discursive foundations of NGO-corporate interactions on what constitutes ‘good food’. Paper presented at the 28th IABS Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 29 June – 2 July. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., Ferguson, J.E. 2017. Storm in a teacup: Unraveling the process of collective brokerage on living wage in the tea industry. Paper presented at the 28th IABS Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 29 June – 2 July. Delalieux, G., Kourula, A., & de Bakker, F. 2017. The Modern Pharmakon: NGOs as vehicles of corporate social change? Paper presented at the 28th IABS Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 29 June – 2 July. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., Ferguson, J.E. 2017. Storm in a teacup: Uunraveling the process of collective brokerage on living wage in the tea industry. Paper presented at the 11th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Chania, Greece, 17-20 May. Lelieveldt, H. & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2017. It’s only natural: Exploring frames of NGO and corporations on what constitutes ‘good food’. Paper presented at the 11th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Chania, Greece, 17-20 May. Hasanefendic, S., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Patricio, T. 2016. Field complexity and strategic manoeuvring: A case of Portuguese polytechnics and the new research mission. Paper presented at the 29th CHER Conference, Cambridge, UK, 5-7 September. Passenier, D., Catz, E., Groenewegen, P., Wolbers, J., & de Bakker, F. 2016. Up in the air: The construction and management of risk by commercial airline pilots. Paper presented at the 75th Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA, 7-9 August. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Ferguson, J. 2016. Convening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Crafting Social Innovation for Sustainable Trade. Paper presented at the 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy, July 7-9. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Ferguson, J. 2016. Convening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships. Theorizing 'convening' in the context of sustainable trade. Paper presented at the Cross-Sector Social Interactions Conference, Toronto, Canada, April 17-20. Wickert, C., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2015. Managerial struggles during practice implementation: The case of corporate social responsibility. Paper presented at the 74th Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada, August 7-11. de Bakker, F.G.A., Ponte, S., & Rasche, A, 2015. Multi-stakeholder initiatives and roundtables in transnational governance: A cross-disciplinary review. Paper presented at the 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, Greece, July 2-4. Passenier, D., Catz, E., Groenewegen, P., Wolbers, J., & de Bakker, F. 2015. Up in the air: The construction and management of risk by commercial airline pilots. Paper presented at the 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, Greece, July 2-4. Kok, A.M., Groenewegen, P., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2015. Dislike, distrust & disrespect. The role of employee emotions in the institutionalization of sustainability practices. Paper presented at the JMS Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 9. Kok, A.M., Groenewegen, P., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2014. Dislike, distrust & disrespect. The role of employee emotions in the institutionalization of sustainability practices. Paper presented at the Emotions & Institutions Workshop, Toronto, Canada, December 15-16. Castelló, I., Barberá, D., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2014. Structuring through dissent: Field emergence and the strategic role of organizational agency. Paper presented at the 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, July 3-5. Kok, A.M., de Bakker, F.G.A. & Groenewegen, P. 2014. Two shades of green: The implementation of sustainability policies within a bank. Paper presented at the 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, July 3-5. van Hille, I., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Ferguson, J.E. 2014. Leading them out of the woods: Emergent institutional entrepreneurship in cross-sector collaboration. Paper presented at the 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, July 3-5. Wickert, C., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2014. Overcoming resistance to CSR. Progressive resistance: How corporate social responsibility managers resist the status quo. Paper presented at the 8th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Corfu, Greece, May, 22-24. Ploeger, T., Kruijt, M., Aroyo, L., de Bakker, F., Hellsten, I., Fokkens, A., Hoeksema, J., & ter Braake, S. 2013. Extractivism. Extracting activist events from news articles using existing NLP tools and services. Paper presented at DeRiVE 2013, Sydney, Australia, October 22. Kok, A.M., de Bakker, F.G.A. & Groenewegen, P. 2013. Instrumental versus intrinsic institutionalization: The adoption of CSR practices within a bank. Paper presented at the EURAM Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 26-29. Whelan, G., de Bakker, F.G.A., den Hond, F., & Muthuri, J. 2013. Situated Interests and Multistakeholder Initiatives: Explaining Conflict Inside and Outside the United Nations Global Compact. Paper presented at JMS Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 23-24. de Bakker, F.G.A., Ploeger, T., Kruijt, M., Hellsten, I., & Aroyo, L. 2012. Mapping online networks of activism: Tracing tactics on the web. Paper presented at the 2nd Social Media for Social Purposes Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 13-14. Kok, A.M., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Groenewegen, P. 2012. Redesigning CSR: How different subcultures within a bank affect the translation and institutionalization of CSR. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Organizational Discourse, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 18-20. de Bakker, F.G.A., Linssen, E., & den Hond, F. 2012. More than words: examining the added value of corporate citizenship. Paper presented at the 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, July 4-6. Kok, A.M., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Groenewegen, P. 2012. Reinventing CSR: how the translation and interpretation of CSR affects the redevelopment of CSR norms in a bank. Paper presented at the 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, July 4-6. Whelan, G., Muthuri, J., de Bakker, F.G.A. & den Hond, F. 2012. The Changing State of Transnational Corporate Directed Activism: The Case of China National Petroleum Corporation in Sudan. Paper presented at ICCSR 10th Anniversary Conference, Nottingham, UK, April 26-27. de Bakker, F.G.A., & Hellsten, I.R. 2011. On Mapping How Activist Group Networks (try to) Impact Firms. Paper presented at the 1st Social Media for Social Purposes Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 31. den Hond, F., K. Rehbein, H. van Lankveld, de Bakker, F.G.A. & D. Schuler. 2011. The Politics of Corporate Responsibility and the Responsibility of Corporate Politics. Paper presented at the 71st Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA, August 12-16. de Bakker, F.G.A. & Hellsten, I.R. 2011. On Mapping How Activist Group Networks (try to) Impact Firms. Paper presented at the 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 5-7.
de Bakker, F.G.A., Hellsten, I.R. & A.M. Kok. 2011. Activists and business: Examining networks and tactics. Paper presented at the 22nd IABS Meeting, Bath, UK, June 22-26. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2011. How activist groups (try to) impact corporate policies on CSR. Paper presented at the 7th Politeia Annual Forum on Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Global Economy, Milan, Italy, May 19-20. Schuyt, Th.N.M., de Gilder, T.C., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2010. Corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility; trade off or line up? Paper presented at the 9th ISTR Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, July 7-10. Whelan, G., Muthuri, J., de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2010. Human Rights and Chinese State-Owned Oil Companies: Can Shareholder Activists bring about Change? Paper presented at the 26th EGOS Colloquium, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-3. de Bakker, F.G.A., & Shumate, M. 2010. Tracing back network tactics: How tactics influence social movement organizations’ social networks. Paper presented at the 26th EGOS Colloquium, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-3. den Hond, F., Rehbein, K., van Lankveld, H., de Bakker, F.G.A., & Schuler, D. 2010. The politics of corporate social responsibility and the responsibility of corporate politics: Exploring the connections between CSR and CPA. Paper presented at the 21st IABS Annual Meeting, Banff, Canada, March 18-20. Schuyt, Th.N.M., de Gilder, T.C., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2009. CSR and corporate philanthropy: Testing the pyramid hypothesis. Paper presented at the Economics of Charitable Giving Conference, Mannheim, Germany, October 8-9. van Wijk, J.J., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2009. Sustainable tourism: The interplay between institutional entrepreneurs and adopters. Paper presented at the 69th Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, USA, August 7-10. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2009. Networks of activism: How activists (and firms) operate in shaping corporate social responsibility. Paper presented at the 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, July 2-4. de Bakker, F.G.A. 2008. Networks in action: How activist groups form and use social networks in establishing institutional change to shape corporate social responsibility. Paper presented at the 24th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 10-12. van Wijk, J.J., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2008. Resistance to institutional entrepreneurship: the interplay between agents, objects and subjects. Paper presented at the 2nd Cornell-McGill Conference on Institutions and Entrepreneurship, Montréal, Canada, June 24-26. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., A.S. Wilts & J.P. Doh. 2008. Activist tactics and corporate political activity on corporate social responsibility: the delicate interplay between firms and non-governmental organizations. Paper presented at the 3rd Workshop in Corporate Political Activity, Paris, France, May 22-24. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A. & P. de Haan. 2008. The sequential patterning of tactics: institutional activism in the global sports apparel industry, 1988–2002. Paper presented at the Conference on Environmental Governance and Democracy, New Haven, USA, May 10-11. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., & de Haan, P. 2007. How activist groups influence corporate social change activities: the global sports apparel industry. Paper presented at the 67th Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA, August 4-8. Zietsma, C., Groenewegen, P., van Wijk, J., F. de Bakker & den Hond, F. 2007. Organizational field transformations: An exploration of the patterns of change in organizational fields. Paper presented at the 23rd EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., & de Haan, P. 2007. The sequential patterning of tactics: institutional activism in the global sports apparel industry, 1988–2002. Paper presented at the 23rd EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7. de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2007. A historical take on how activist groups (try to) influence companies. Paper presented at the 18th IABS Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy, May 31-June 3. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., & de Haan, P. 2007. How activist groups influence corporate social change activities: the global sports apparel industry. Paper presented at the 18th IABS Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy, May 31-June 3. van Wijk, J., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2006. Engaging tour operators in sustainable tourism: the Dutch professional association’s approach. Paper presented at the Sustainable Tourism Conference, Bologna, Italy, September 6-8. van Wijk, J.J., de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2006. From designation to theorization. The case of the Dutch association of tour operators promoting sustainable tourism. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Organizational Discourse: Identity, Ideology and Idiosyncrasy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 26-28. Six, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., & L.J.W.C. Huberts. 2006. A three-step approach for judging a corporate leader’s integrity. Paper presented at the 22nd EGOS Colloquium, Bergen, Norway, July 6-8. de Haan, P., den Hond, F., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2006. How activist groups influence corporate social change activities in the global sports and apparel industry. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Workshop Sessions, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 25-30. den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G.A., Neergaard, P., & Gond, J.-P. 2006. Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing and Measuring. Paper presented at the 17th IABS Annual Meeting, Mérida, Mexico, March 23-26. van Wijk, J.J., de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F. 2005. Designated Institutional Entrepreneurship in a Field under Challenge. Paper presented at the SCORE Conference “Organizing the world”, Stockholm, Sweden, October 13-15. van Wijk, J.J., de Bakker, F.G.A., den Hond, F., & Elfring, T. 2005. Designated Institutional Entrepreneurship in a Field under Challenge: Theorization in the Dutch Tour Operating Industry. Paper presented at the 21st EGOS colloquium, Berlin, Germany, June 30-July 2. Ohlsson, C., S. Tengblad, de Bakker, F.G.A., den Hond, F., & Turcotte, M.F. 2005. Corporate Social Responsibility : A Three Country Comparative Study of the Evolution of a Corporate Discourse. Paper presented at the 16th IABS Annual Meeting, Sonoma Valley, USA, March 31-April 3. Meijer, M.M., de Bakker, F.G.A., Smit, J.H., & Schuyt, Th.N.M. 2004. Corporate giving in the Netherlands 1995-2003: empirical findings. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual ARNOVA Conference, Los Angeles, USA, November 18-20. den Hond, F., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2004. How Social Movement Organizations Influence Firms. Paper presented at the showcase symposium “The Changing Dynamics of the Corporation-Society Relationship: Integrative Approaches” at the 64th Academy of Management Conference, New Orleans, USA, August 6-11. de Bakker, F.G.A., Groenewegen, P., & den Hond, F. 2004. An analysis of 30 years of research and theory on CSR/CSP. Paper presented at the 20th EGOS colloquium, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1-3 July. den Hond, F., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2004. Overruling the game: SMOs’ perspectives on their influence on firms. Paper presented at the International Research Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Politics of Stakeholder Influence, Bergen, the Netherlands, 17-19 April. den Hond, F., & de Bakker, F.G.A. 2003. SMOs’ perspectives on their influence on firms. Paper presented at the 19th EGOS colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 3-5, 2003. de Bakker, F.G.A., den Hond, F., & van der Plas, R. 2002. Stakeholder influence strategies and stakeholder-oriented management. Paper presented at the 10th Greening of Industry Network Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, June 23-26. de Bakker, F.G.A., & Nijhof, A.H.J. 2000. Responsible chain management: organisational capabilities for interpreting stakeholder interests. Paper presented at the 2nd Symposium of the International Research Network for Quality, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility, Manchester, UK, 30 June. de Bakker, F.G.A., Fisscher, O.A.M., & Brack, A.J.P. 1999. Organizing product-oriented environmental management from a resource-based perspective. Paper presented at the 8th Greening of Industry Network Conference, Chapel Hill, USA, 14-17 November. Bakker, F.G.A de, Brack, A.J.P., & Fisscher, O.A.M. 1999. Quality, resources and stakeholders as elements of a product-oriented environmental management. Paper presented at the 6th International Product Development Management Conference, Cambridge, UK, 5-6 July. de Bakker, F.G.A. 1999. Product-oriented environmental management and total quality management: a useful combination? Paper presented at the 5th LAiOOB Conference, Amersfoort, the Netherlands, 25 February. de Bakker, F.G.A. 1998. Greening products - on interests and integration. Paper presented at the 7th Greening of Industry Network Conference, Rome, Italy, 15-18 November. de Bakker, F.G.A. 1998. Total Quality Management and Product-Oriented Environmental Management: a valuable relationship? Paper presented at the 8th Doctoral Summer School on Management of Technology, Leuven, Belgium, 16-29 August. |